Dietary & Dining Accommodation Requests

Dietary Accommodations Overview:

  • Students will begin contacts with Dining Services (see below) and use the process below as possible.
  • Students who need disability accommodations are encouraged to work with Disability Resources, and Dining Services may refer students to DR as it is the only office that makes a determination as to reasonable accommodations and the only office to review documentation. All accommodations are approved on a case-by-case basis.
  • Disability Resources will engage in the interactive process and review documentation and then convene the Dietary Accommodations Committee to discuss and identify accommodations that would provide the student access.
  • Some students with dietary restrictions have chosen to live in on campus apartments, which allows them to prepare their own meals and still be a part of a vibrant on-campus housing experience. 

Dietary Accommodations Process: 

Students requiring assistance with dietary needs will follow the steps in the Dietary Needs Process. Most needs are resolved at step 1, but some cases may require additional steps. 

Please plan ahead: Requests for dietary accommodations take time. Please schedule your meeting with Dining Services (step 1) at least 30 days prior to your move-in date. 

STEP 1: CONTACT DINING SERVICES: Your first step is to connect with Savannah Villa (Dining Services). Savannah will engage with you about your dietary needs and options they have within Dining Services. Resources/options will be shared on a case-by-case basis after discussion with Savannah, but may include:

  • Tour with Tom to discuss your options/needs/rights & responsibilities
  • Sharing of and explaining resources: Nutrislice, Dining Center Density Tracker
  • Meeting with a chef
  • Refer/consult with Menu Analytics (estimated roll out Fall 2023)
  • Special diet menus
  • Prepackaged meals prepared off campus 
  • Tom will share the recommendations made with DR staff and may encourage you to work with DR. 

Most dietary concerns are resolved at this step.

STEP 2: After working with Dining Services (step 1), if you are still experiencing barriers or limitations due to your diagnosed dietary needs, you may wish to register with Disability Resources to explore dining accommodations. DR will request documentation from your medical provider if you choose to request accommodations.

a. After engaging in the interactive process with Disability Resources, DR may identify an accommodation will be necessary to provide access, they will consult with the Dietary Accommodations Team to identify options for accommodations. 

  • This team is generally comprised of staff from Disability Resources, Dining Services, and Housing & Residence Life, and Counseling staff may be included if appropriate.

b. Implementation: After consulting with the Dietary Accommodations Team (step 3), DR will communicate accommodation options to resolve barriers to access, and work with you and Dining Services to implement approved accommodations. 

c. Follow up as needed: You will need to contact Disability Resources if accommodations are no longer working or are not being implemented in an effective and timely manner. 

d. 30 day check in on dietary accommodations: DR staff will schedule a 30 day follow up meeting (and check in with Tom beforehand)

*Please note, any approved accommodations will be based on access needs as opposed to preferences. 

Another great resource Dining Services now offers is called Nutrislice. Nutrislice gives you the ability to not only see what is being served but you can also filter by allergens and food preferences. On top of that, you can explore nutritional information & the ingredients of all items. View online or download the app here!