Accessible Technology
Accessible technology (AT) can be used by people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities. It incorporates the principles of universal design. Each user is able to interact with the technology in ways that work best for him or her. Accessible technology includes any piece of equipment, product or system that is used to improve the functional capacities of people with disabilities.
Technology Available at UMD
- Texthelp Read&Write, OrbitNote, and EquatioUse - Texthelp provides a suite of assistive technology software that facilitates reading and understanding digital text and math.
- Read&Write is a literacy support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments, and proofing written work.
- Available as a free download to all currently enrolled UMD students, faculty & staff.
- Glean note taking
- JAWS - screen reader
- Built in Dictation software on all computers
- Dragon Naturally Speaking - speech to text
- ZoomText - screen magnifier
- Duxbury Braille Translator
- FM Listening Systems - sound amplifier
- 22” Widescreen Monitors
- CCTV - camera to enlarge print
- Braille Embosser
UMD Disability resources has also created this comprehensive handout called Assistive Technology for Everyone - featuring many free or low cost accessible technology apps and programs - check it out!