Disability Resources is excited to introduce the Faculty Portal
Here is what you can find within the Faculty Portal:
Allows faculty to view - by class - all students requesting accommodations and their associated accommodation letters.
Review, approve exam requests and upload exams to be proctored
Accommodation letters - Next Steps
How to make your courses more accessible & resources around this
Take a moment to login & explore, and let us know if you have questions about how to navigate the portal.
Don’t forget to bookmark the faculty portal link so you can easily access it throughout the year!
How to Review an Exam Request
Faculty Responsibilities Around Exam Accommodations
Exam Delivery to DR: As indicated in our Instructor Responsibilities resources, in order for us to provide the service of proctoring exams in our office, we need exams uploaded to the Faculty Portal at least 24 hours prior to the exam time.
Our staff needs time to set up accommodations (this may include scanning, altering text size, setting up assistive technology, etc.) and prepare for many test takers at once.
Instructor cooperation in this matter is crucial to our ability to continue proctoring the instructor’s exams. If you are unable to meet this deadline, instructors will be asked to proctor exams independent of our office.
Notification/Reminders: Instructors receive accommodation letters as soon as students request accommodations in our office. You will have access to the Faculty Portal, which indicates all requested accommodations, including requested exam times that will need faculty approval.
Instructors will receive a reminder to upload the exam materials to the portal 3-4 days ahead of the scheduled exam time.
Returning Exams to Faculty: Completed exams will now be returned to instructors via scanned documents sent to email.